Social Marketing Businesses
Luke Uluiburotu

Luke Uluiburotu

09 May 2023

Social Marketing Businesses

Social marketing refers to the use of marketing techniques to promote social causes and encourage behavior change. This powerful tool can not only drive social change, but it can also create opportunities for individuals to thrive in life.


Especially in this day and age, where every generations are born with technologies being mainstreamed to the highest level degree, literally the world at your fingure tips as there's this common slogans that this tele-communication company always use. Which to me, it makes so much sense.

Everywhere I look, I see nearly everyone on their phones, ipads, laptops, or whatever gadgets you can see this days, they'be socialising online, catching up with famillies & friends, working from home which is the end thing now, all thanks to the season of Covid, that unleash alot of potential in everyone especially with the presences of technology in the space and time we have that also cultivate real hustlers mode of thinking like me, always up to something good and interesting hey!

In this blog post, we will explore how social marketing can benefit individuals and how to use it to create a meaningful impact.

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Social marketing aims to influence behavior change, and it is essential in many areas of life. For example, it can be used to promote healthy habits like exercise and a balanced diet, encourage people to quit smoking, or raise awareness about environmental issues. When people engage in these behaviors, they experience numerous benefits, including improved health, increased productivity, and greater happiness.

Depends on what you're promoting I suppose.

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For me was a whole lot of new experiences. I had to step out of my comfort zones to actually know what im getting my self into. At first, it was kind of overwheling in so many great ways, but I was confident enough to remind me, that it will always NOT going to remain this way. So I had to do some home work to actually see how I can make it work.

I lended my 1st MLM (Multi Level Marketing) back in 2020. This one was an eye opener for me as I firmly believe that this is how real life millionaires are born. Some were already born with this priviledges while some of us had to work pretty extra hard to also archieve where those big income earners have attained them selves through commitments and dedications towards their lives and growing their businesses socially and also remotely.

Moreover, social marketing can create opportunities for individuals to thrive in life by allowing them to participate in meaningful activities that align with their values and core interests. For instance, social marketing campaigns can offer volunteer opportunities that allow individuals to contribute to causes they care about. These experiences can help build skills, expand social networks, and provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

One of the most significant benefits of social marketing is that it can create a sense of community. When individuals engage in social marketing activities, they become part of a movement that is working to create positive change. This sense of community can help individuals feel connected to something bigger than themselves, which can boost their well-being and mental health.

For me, this was the best part of being connected to a global community/family. Being relocated in a much smaller place on earth where services can be a huge challenges sometimes, I was fortunate enough to have this opportunity being presented to me with zero experience or whatsoever to expect from this new journey for me. I was being part of a global family where I almost feel like we're connected physically but really it was the energy and vibe, the drive and visionary that made almost feel like we're connected physically but in spirits.

The overwhelming support form the online community I am part off, is none the less but an awesome experiences and great netwokring. Also, personally I kinda like this new era of working mode, or better off online social meet ups. Ther's alot what we can do socially/online but it all depends on how we use the system or what we're passionate off.

If you want to use social marketing to create positive change and thrive in life, there are a few steps you can take:


In conclusion, social marketing presents an opportunity to thrive in life by contributing to meaningful causes and creating a sense of community. By using effective social marketing techniques and joining a community, individuals can make a positive impact on the world while experiencing personal growth and fulfillment.

Luke Uluiburotu

Luke Uluiburotu

Cool, Calm & Collective

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